Sunday, November 15, 2015

Fall I

Harvest was finished in good time this Fall, thanks to help from our friends Larry, Ross and Brad. This farmer's wife filled in a few hours here and there, kept our farmer fed and watered and the household running.

On the family front we enjoyed marching band and cross-country.
The cross-country team runs the football from the opposing school and presents it to the refs the night of the Homecoming Game.

Our Homecoming friends

Our Resident Pirate Co-Drum Major
With harvest cleaned up, we were ready to move into winter preparation.

Washing the combine

Mixing and loading fertilizer
But Fall was not without its challenges. Early on the grain bin that stores soybeans failed to empty properly. Apparently the center drain filled with pods. Our farmer began by running a 20-some-foot metal pole in from the top of the bin.
Because NO ONE should EVER go into a grain bin without proper help and preparation, I got to sit on the platform as the lookout. It was a hard, arduous job--for our farmer, not me. I simply sat on my mittens, watched, prayed, and encouraged.

Inside the top of the grain bin with harness, rope, ladder and equipment.

My view (smile)
After working with a vacuum, drain pig, and lots of prayer, it gave way 5 days later!

It's been an eventful Fall. See part II for a more recent update (coming soon to a farm in Iowa).


  1. You have been very busy, thank you for s haring the pictures my good friend! God Bles!

  2. Thanks, Debby! I'm so glad you dropped in for a visit. It's always a good time when friends like you come to mind.
